Shepherd Of The Valley Lutheran Sunday Services
 8:30 AM - Traditional Service
The 8:30 am Traditional service starts with a welcome from the Pastor and announcements. There is then a brief order of Confession and Forgiveness, Bible readings and a Children's Chat. These are followed by a reading of the Holy Gospel, Pastor's sermon, prayers and communion. Traditional hymns are sung throughout the service, accompanied by our Pipe Organ.

Baby sitting is available in the preschool during service.
 9:45 AM - Rejoice Service
The 9:45 am Rejoice service starts out with the singing of contemporary songs, accompanied by the Rejoice Band. The Children's Chat and communion are toward the beginning of the service and then the children are dismissed to Sunday school. Announcements, the Gospel reading, Pastor's sermon, and prayers are all included, along with more lively music. If you prefer praise music with a live band, this is for you.

Baby sitting is available in the preschool during service.
 11:00 AM - Blended
Our 11:00 am service is a blend of the Traditional and Rejoice services where we have both traditional and praise music. Music is accompanied by the piano or pipe organ. There is a brief order of Confession and Forgiveness, announcements, prayers, bible readings, and a Children's Chat. Also, a Gospel reading, Pastor's Sermon, and communion. If you like a traditional service with praise music mixed in, this is for you.
 Sunday School
Sunday school for Kindergarten through 8th grade begins at 9:45 am in the classroom. At 10:30 am, children join their families in the 9:45 service for communion.

Sunday school for grades 9-12 is from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (see Youth Ministries).